Category: <span>Success Stories</span>

Category: Success Stories

Calf & Back pain – an ex aerobic gymnastic competitor and a converted skeptic’s story

Three years ago I started experiencing lower back and calf pain while running. This progressively got worse – to the point where running was no longer an option and even walking was painful. Because I was then unable to do cardio-vascular exercise I started concentrating on strength training which then …

Sciatica during Pregnancy

Body Stress Release and Pregnancy As you all know each pregnancy is different and differs for each person. I suffered with backache from the second trimester right through to the last day. When it first started I was waking up in the middle of the night with spasms of pain. …


A lady in her mid-fifties was complaining of severe sciatica which had been plaguing her for months. She led a very active and busy lifestyle and was concerned because she woke up in the morning with a stiff lower back which ached constantly and she’d started to experience calf cramps …

Restless legs

A lady in her 60’s was battling with terrible restless legs and calf cramps that would keep her awake at night. Her only relief was to get up a few times during the night and walk around until the restlessness subsided. She had a very stiff lower back upon waking …

Ice-cream headaches

A student (21 years) came to see me as she’d been suffering from sharp shooting headaches, which plagued her 5 or 6 times daily. These were brought on suddenly, and she’d done all the routine doctor’s tests and no one could find a cause. She described these as “ice-cream headaches” …