Body Stress Release

Body Stress Release

Are aches and pains preventing you from experiencing optimal health?

Do you suffer from headaches, back pain, sciatica,  joint pain or arthritis? Perhaps you wake up with a stiff lower back,  complain of numbing in the hands or feet, experience tingling sensations or debilitating migraines?  Have you suffered from an injury such as a slipped or herniated disc, a whiplash or fall?

The effects of stored body stress may have diverse effects on the body, ranging from muscle tension and discomfort to postural distortion (such as kyphosis or scoliosis) or systemic imbalances such as bowel and bladder issues, infertility, heartburn, hyperactivity in children and a myriad of other complaints.

Click here to view frequent complaints and related case studies

Optimise the nervous system and kick-start healing:

Body Stress Release (BSR) is a gentle and effective health technique concerned with the accurate assessment and release of stored muscle tension (body stress).  Releasing this tension has a direct effect on the nervous system, stimulating the body to heal itself and restore its natural balance.

This non-therapeutic, complementary health technique is recommended by doctors and specialists and has assisted hundreds of people in their path to restored vitality and optimal health.

Read this personal account of  the Body Stress Release technique from the Health Editor at  Health24

Sarah Davies qualified as a Body Stress Release practitioner in 2010 – read her Google Reviews here

Body Stress Release was founded in South Africa in 1981 (The Origins of Body Stress Release).  The technique is now practiced in over 22 countries worldwide, including the UK, Canada, Japan, US, Australia, the UK and Europe.